South African Baseball5 national team for the WBSC inaugural Baseball5 World Cup

South African Baseball is proud to announce the South African National Baseball5 team to participate in the WBSC Baseball5 World Cup to be held in Mexico City, Mexico from 7 -13 November 2022.

South Africa qualified for the inaugural WBSC Baseball5 World Cup after winning the African Championship in Kenya earlier this year.

Aidan Bartes, Eastern Cape
Darian Pretorius, USA/Gauteng
Itumeleng Moreroa, Gauteng
Juanay Kleynhans, Gauteng
Louis-Michael Albertyn, Gauteng
Mariska Barnard, Gauteng
Nicolene Grobler, Gauteng
Sylvester Maredi, Limpopo

Non-Traveling Reserves
Chad Beukes, Western Cape
Sipelo Gadudu, Eastern Cape
Austin Mangka, Limpopo
Jonno Scheepers, Gauteng
Bonolo Tlome, Gauteng
Yolanda Jiya, Eastern Cape
Liandri van Rooyen, Gauteng

Americo Juma – Head Coach, Gauteng
Hayley Scott – HOD, Gauteng

Baseball5 is a mix-gender team sport with 5 active players team and three reserves and can be played everywhere and requires only a rubber ball. 
Baseball5 or B5 is an urban version of the classic games of baseball and softball. It is a fast, young and dynamic discipline that follows the same founding principles of its parent disciplines. Baseball5 can be played everywhere and requires only a rubber ball.

To find out more about how to start playing Baseball5 click here.